Poland Retail Sales Growth Slow in April


Image by Pixabay

Retail sales in Poland rose 4.1% year-on-year in April, easing from a 6.1% increase in the previous month, the Warsaw-based Central Statistical Office(GUS) said in a statement.

Sales dropped for food, beverages and tobacco by 6.8% as well as for textiles, clothing and footwear by 5.8%.

Trade for furniture, radio, TV and household appliances also went down by 3.3%.

In contrast, sales accelerated for; motor vehicles, motorcycles and parts by 33.8%, solid, liquid and gaseous fuels by 11.9%, newspapers, books & other sales in specialized stores by 4.2% and others by 29.7%.

Additionally, sales for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and orthopedic equipment grew 6.4%.

On a monthly comparison basis, retail sales fell by 1.8% in April, reversing a 14.2% surge in March.

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